List of my projects

(Highlights are marked with ⭐)


Name Description Tags
VelkáDomů a football news website with authentication, surveys and a match calendar Sapper Flask HTML & CSS
CMS with custom text editor a custom CMS made for VelkáDomů with a block text editor Svelte Flask HTML & CSS
Sports tournament tracker 2.0 a webapp that displays live score, tables and upcoming matches React Flask HTML & CSS
Slibotechny political parties watchdog Svelte Flask HTML & CSS
Celeste (school) a simulation of our solar system and a spaceship to Titan Java
Testing Expobank’s internet banking (work) worked on unit tests for huge internet banking app Jasmine Java


Name Description Tags (client project) business showcase website with content managment system Next.js TinaCMS HTML & CSS
TCP/UDP chat client (school) a networking project for a chat app C
Advanced Shell script for text parsing (school) a shell script for parsing data from fictious market Bash
Database for school information system (school) UML diagrams and SQL script for university IS SQL


Name Description Tags
ChatBotFight fun comparison of ChatGPT and Google Bard (deprecated) Javascript Flask HTML & CSS
GenerationSimulation a website for a small band based in Texas HTML & CSS
Swift to Assembly compiler (school) a tokenizer, symtable, top-down and bottom-up parser (unfinished) C Assembly
Celeste (school) a simulation of our solar system and a spaceship to Titan Java
Ticklefluff (work) a React application using AI to turn pet images into moving postcards React Strapi HTML & CSS


Name Description Tags
Graph colouring (school) a Java GUI app that solves the graph colouring problem Java
Slibotechny political parties watchdog Sapper Flask HTML & CSS
Sudoku solver a mini-project for solving sudokus Javascript HTML & CSS
Automatization bot bot that helped me find a housing in Maastricht Python
Testing Expobank’s internet banking (work) worked on unit tests for huge internet banking app Jasmine Java
Waterfall a small application for a card drinking game Javascript HTML & CSS


Name Description Tags
VelkáDomů a football news website with authentication, surveys and a match calendar Sapper Flask HTML & CSS
CMS with custom text editor a custom CMS made for VelkáDomů with a block text editor Svelte Flask HTML & CSS
Epidemic model web animation simulation the course of an epidemic Javascript
Sports tournament tracker 2.0 a webapp that displays live score, tables and upcoming matches React Flask HTML & CSS
Web app for Partners (work) a small website for Partners to help them track messages and issues React


Name Description Tags
Sports tournament tracker first version of a tournament tracker made for anual sports event React Flask HTML & CSS
Library bot bot that checks when a book in library becomes available and orders it Python
Marvel fighting game 2D pixel-art game made in Unity (unfinished) Unity C# Aseprite
Icie 2D platformer game made in Unity (unfinished) Unity C# Aseprite


Name Description Tags
Projekt Jídelna my first big project, a website where you can rate school canteen meals Flask HTML & CSS